The Attack Wiki

"That's how you get la cucarachas."

The Attack episode 55 aired on 10 Jul 2015. It was hosted by Alex Corea and Anthony Carboni.


The Pile had an apparent theme of Alex's personal vendetta against children. This included video of Anthony as a child when he was on Legends of the Hidden Temple.

Alex misunderstood "cosplay" to mean "dressing up as Bill Cosby" and took a stand against it, officially changing it to "crosplay" after Bing Crosby.

Shart Week concluded, and Alex got in trouble with a 2-year-old member of Twitch staff.

Alex showed off family pictures that documented his long obsession with putting fire in his butt.

The Rundown discussed Comic-con, specifically:

  • Cosplay
  • The Ghostbusters remake
  • Special Edition and Collectors Edition preorders
  • a PSN "wanted improvements" feedback website
  • Amazon Prime Day

The show ended with TPOTSWIC, and they streambombed CalebHart42.
